The Incontinent Continent

attempts to look at the European Union from the perspective of Dimitris Christoulas who publicly shot himself in Athens in 2012. He had written a suicide note in which he referred to his pension which was "annihilated" by the austerity measures devised by the European Union and imposed on Greece by its own government.

The inference of his note is that by implementing policies emanating from foreigners in a foreign land, the Greek government sold out its own people and, therefore, are collaborators and traitors. Extending his thinking, would this not apply to all EU countries?

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The book tries to show

how the EU has allowed politicians to create a separate world where instead of serving their constituents, they serve each other. With their prime allegiance to Brussels, they are both unwilling and unable to speak up for those whom they are supposed to represent and concentrate their efforts on what is beneficial for Brussels at the expense of their own people.

Through economic and political spin doctoring they keep trying to convince the public that the EU is vital to their country's survival, but even the most magical spinning cannot hide the economic and human devastation that the one-size-fits-all policies have wreaked on millions of citizens all over Europe.

The book lays out the development of each aspect of the EU in an easily understandable manner and should appeal to those who would like to make sense of all the palaver about the European Union.